Find ‘Great Schools’ on RealScout!

Finding the right school is just one of the many important decisions in the process of buying a new home. That’s why we are proud to announce that we have added school ratings to the listing details page.

These ratings, provided through, enrich the listing data in RealScout to make it easy for clients to compare schools directly in the platform.

Here’s how it works.
When you click on a listing in RealScout, scroll to the ‘Nearby Schools’ section on the property details page where both agents and clients will now see the “Great Schools” overall ratings (1-10) where available.

The school name will be hyperlinked to the Great Schools page where you will find additional details about each school.

If the school does not yet have a rating on, there will be an empty grey circle where the ratings are typically displayed.

Search “Master on Main Level” with RealScout!

We’ve added the ability to search for “Master on Main Level” and other fragmented search criteria in RealScout.

Check out this quick video to learn how to find these filters on your RealScout search creation page.

Please Note: This search filter is only available in specific Market/MLS data feeds. If you believe your market could benefit with this updated filter, please reach out to Member Success.

Evaluate Climate Risk by Listing

We’ve enriched your listing data with Climate Risk Ratings. The new widget provides information about climate related threats associated with an individual property. Data provided by

Download Client Search Activity to a CSV file

You can download client search activity to a CSV file. Sort and filter the listings your clients are interested in.

Select the client, then select Recent Activity. Click “Download as CSV” link from the list of Viewed Homes, Interested Homes or Not Interested Homes. Your data will be exported to a CSV file


Reverse Prospecting is Here! Put Your Listing in Front of the Right Agents

Find buyer agents with clients whose search criteria matches your listing. Show sellers how you’re leveraging your network to get results fast. Line up qualified buyers to view your listings as soon as they hit the market!
If you currently have an active, coming soon, or contingent listing, go to the LISTING TOOLS tab after logging into your dashboard. Then click MY LISTINGS to claim your listing (only available in Standard accounts).
Identify agents with active buyers who match your listing. Send them a message to gauge interest quickly and move the sale forward. Learn more here

Enhance Your Listing Presentations with Buyer Demand Reports

We’ve added a button to Test the Market that will generate a Buyer Demand Report. This report enables you to download a snapshot of buyer activity based on your listing criteria. Stand out with a listing presentation showing relevant home search data vs. historical comps. Make pricing decisions based on real-time buyer demand in your area.